Saturday, 1 September 2012

2012 in science

2012 in science

Events, discoveries and inventions


1 January 2012: NASA's twin GRAIL satellites (artist's impression shown) begin studying the Moon's gravitational field.

4 January 2012: scientists create genetically-engineered silkworms capable of producing bulk quantities of steel-strong spidersilk.

11 January 2012: astronomers report that nearly every star in the Milky Way galaxy may host exoplanets (artist's impression of Upsilon Andromedae d pictured).

12 January 2012: Paedophryne amauensis, the world's smallest known vertebrate, is formally described.

23 January 2012: stem cell therapy is successfully used to ease the symptoms of blindness in human volunteers (human embryonic stem cell shown).

27 January 2012: the most detailed 3D image of the Amazon rainforest yet produced is published.
  • 27 January
    • An international team of scientists reports that graphene, already widely known for its conductive properties, is also able to selectively filter gases and liquids. The material could thus potentially find use in industrial distillation and water purification. (BBC) (The Register)
    • A study published in the journal Carcinogenesis shows that in both cell lines and mouse models, grape seed extract (GSE) kills head and neck cancer cells, while leaving healthy cells unharmed. (MedicalXpress)
    • Using an airborne LIDAR system, scientists produce the most detailed 3D image of the Amazon rainforest yet recorded, allowing the accurate measurement of the rainforest's ecoystem and rate of deforestation. (The Guardian)
    • 2012 BX34, an asteroid between 8 metres (26 ft) and 11 metres (36 ft) across, passes within 60,000 kilometres of the Earth, performing one of the closest asteroid flybys yet recorded. (BBC)
    • British animators develop a new algorithmic method of creating highly realistic CGI trees, allowing films and video games to easily display realistic 3D foliage. (New Scientist)
  • 29 January – Using stem cells generated from patients with schizophrenia, bipolar depression and other mental illnesses, scientists at the University of Edinburgh create neurones with brain tissue genetically identical to the person's brain. The breakthrough could allow new treatments for mental illnesses to be accurately tested without endangering patients. (The Guardian)
  • 30 January

31 January 2012: American scientists demonstrate a method of decoding human thoughts by studying the superior temporal gyrus (indicated).


3 February 2012: the Very Large Telescope array enters operation in northern Chile.
  • 1 February – Researchers report that the eruption of supervolcanoes could be predicted several decades before the event by detecting the seismic and chemical signs of a massive magma buildup. (BBC)
  • 2 February
    • The European Commission issues a 225-million-euro (US$330 million) contract to an Anglo-German consortium for eight additional satellites to expand Europe's Galileo satellite navigation system. (BBC)
    • Astronomers report the discovery of a large exoplanet orbiting within the habitable zone of a star 22 light-years distant. This is the fourth potentially life-supporting exoplanet discovered since May 2011. (San Francisco Chronicle)
    • Researchers reportedly create the world's thinnest pane of glass, a sheet of silicon and oxygen just three atoms wide. The glass formed in an accidental reaction when the scientists were synthesizing graphene on copper-covered quartz. (ScienceMag)
  • 3 February
    • The European Southern Observatory successfully activates its Very Large Telescope (VLT) by linking four existing optical telescopes to operate as a single device. The linked VLT is the largest optical telescope yet built, with a combined mirror diameter of 130 metres (430 ft). (BBC)
    • Physicists at Germany's Max Planck Institute unveil a microscope that can image living brain cells as they function inside a living animal. (PhysOrg)
    • American scientists demonstrate a medical procedure that may allow patients suffering from nerve damage to recover within weeks, rather than months or years. The procedure makes use of a cellular mechanism similar to that which repairs nerve axons in invertebrates. (Science Daily)
    • MIT researchers develop high-temperature photonic crystals capable of efficiently converting heat to electricity, potentially allowing the creation of pocket-sized microreactors with ten times the efficiency and lifespan of current commercial batteries. As photonic crystals are already a relatively mature technology, the new invention could be commercialised in as little as two years. (ExtremeTech)
    • A Lancet study reports that global malaria deaths may be badly underestimated, giving a revised 2010 malaria death toll of 1.24 million. By contrast, the World Health Organisation estimated that 655,000 people died of malaria in 2010. (BBC)
  • 4 February – Dutch doctors successfully fit an 83-year-old woman with an artificial jaw made using a 3D printer. This operation, the first of its kind, could herald a new era of accurate, patient-tailored artificial transplants. (BBC)

4 February 2012: Dutch doctors successfully fit the first artificial jaw made with a 3D printer (ORDbot Quantum 3D printer pictured).
  • 6 February
    • After nearly 20 years of intermittent drilling, Russian scientists reportedly break through to the surface of the subterranean Lake Vostok, buried 2.5 miles (4.0 km) under the Antarctic ice. The lake, which has not been uncovered for over 15 million years, may harbour a unique prehistoric ecosystem. (The Guardian) (The Washington Post)
    • A team of engineers and biologists develop a working WORM computer memory out of salmon DNA molecules by combining the DNA with silver nanoparticles. (ExtemeTech)
    • Scientists from Yale University have discovered a fungus in the South American rainforest that eats plastic. It is hoped that this organism could be used in the breaking down of waste matter in landfills and other locations. (TG Daily)
  • 7 February
    • Scientists report that rapid declines in some British and European ladybird species are being caused by the spread of the invasive harlequin species. (BBC)
    • The entire genome of an extinct species of human – the 40,000-year-old Denisova hominin – has been decoded from a fossil. (PhysOrg)
  • 8 February – NASA data reveals that the total land ice lost from Greenland, Antarctica and Earth's glaciers and ice caps between 2003 and 2010 totalled about 4.3 trillion tons (1,000 cubic miles), adding about 0.5 inches (12 millimeters) to global sea levels. Such a quantity of ice would be sufficient to cover the entire United States to a depth of 1.5 feet (0.5 meters). (NASA/JPL)
  • 9 February – Researchers at Case Western Reserve University discover that bexarotene, a drug normally used to treat skin cancer, can quickly reverse the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease in mice, removing over 50% of the disease's trademark amyloid plaque from the brain within 72 hours. (CNN)
  • 10 February – Scientists at the University of California, San Diego report the creation of the tiniest telecommunications laser yet built, just 200 nanometers wide. The highly efficient nanolaser could be used to develop optical computers and ultra-high-resolution imaging systems. (PopSci)
  • 13 February
    • A new UN report warns that 24 percent of global land area has declined in productivity over the past 25 years due to unsustainable land-use, and soil erosion rates are about 100 times greater than nature can replenish. (UPI)
    • The European Space Agency successfully conducts the maiden launch of its new Vega rocket, transporting several satellites into orbit, including the first Polish, Hungarian and Romanian satellites. (The Telegraph)
    • BAE Systems engineers unveil a carbon-fiber-based structural battery capable of being integrated into a device's framework, reducing weight while maintaining structural strength and power capacity. (BBC)
  • 14 February – In a groundbreaking human trial, American scientists report that damaged heart tissue in heart attack patients can be repaired with infusions of the patient's own stem cells. The treatment halved the amount of extant scar tissue within a year. (BBC)

15 February 2012: Nevada becomes the first US state to release official regulations for the public testing of autonomous cars (prototype autonomous Audi pictured).
  • 15 February – Nevada becomes the first US state to allow the testing of autonomous vehicles on US public roadways. (DMV)
  • 16 February – The speed at which someone walks may predict their likelihood of developing dementia later in life, according to researchers in the US. (BBC)
  • 20 February – Scientists report regenerating Silene stenophylla from 32,000-year-old remains. This surpasses the previous record of 2,000 years for the oldest material used to regenerate a plant. (Washington Post)
  • 22 February
    • Scientists have extended the life of male mice by 15%, using an enzyme called SIRT6. (KurzweilAI)
    • Engineers at Stanford reveal a wirelessly powered, self-propelled medical device that can travel through the bloodstream to deliver drugs, perform diagnostics or microsurgeries. (Science Daily)
    • NASA reports the detection of the solid form of buckyballs (buckminsterfullerene) in deep space.
  • 26 February
    • Researchers publish the first images of the charge distribution in a single molecule, precisely showing the motion of electrons. The observed distribution apparently corresponds closely with predictive models. (BBC)
    • It may be possible to one day create an "unlimited" supply of human eggs to aid fertility treatment, US doctors say. (BBC)
  • 27 February
    • Scottish research has shown it could be possible to reverse the muscle damage seen in children with a form of motor neurone disease, using a drug to boost levels of a key protein. (BBC)
    • The remains of two new species of prehistoric penguin are discovered – Kairuku grebneffi and Kairuku waitaki. Standing nearly 5 feet (1.5 m) tall, Kairuku grebneffi is the largest penguin ever discovered. (Discovery)
  • 28 February


7 March 2012: scientists sequence the genome of the Western gorilla.
  • 1 March – New research concludes that the Earth's oceans may be growing more acidic at a faster rate than at any time in the past 300 million years. (MSNBC)
  • 2 March
  • 5 March – A study finds a correlation between snoring as a toddler and behavior problems later in childhood. (BBC)
  • 7 March
  • 8 March
  • 9 March – US researchers have made a breakthrough in curing AIDS, using a cancer drug to attack HIV in its hardest-to-reach places, inside certain immune-system cells. (Bloomberg)
  • 12 March
    • Researchers at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna) have made a breakthrough in 3D printing, with a machine that can print at the nano-scale and is orders of magnitude faster than previous devices. (Science Daily)
    • A diet high in red meat can shorten life expectancy by increasing the risk of death from cancer and heart problems, according to a study of more than 120,000 people by researchers at Harvard Medical School. Substituting red meat with fish, chicken or nuts lowered the risks, the study found. (BBC)
  • 13 March
    • A California-based company has developed solar panels that are half the price of today’s cheapest cells, and therefore cheap enough to challenge fossil fuels. (Extreme Tech)
    • Scientists have identified a potential drug that speeds up trash removal from the cell's recycling center, the lysosome, one of the causes of aging and degenerative diseases. (Medical Xpress)

15 March 2012: scientists send the first coherent message using neutrinos (first recorded neutrino event pictured).
  • 14 March
    • A fly species, kept in complete darkness for 57 years (1,400 generations), showed genetic alterations that occurred as a result of environmental conditions, offering clear evidence of evolution. (PlosOne)
    • A pill which doubles the length of time that patients with advanced skin cancer can survive has gone on sale in Britain for the first time. (Telegraph)
    • America's coastlines are even more vulnerable to sea level rise than previously thought, according to a pair of new studies. Up to 32% more real estate could be affected by a 1-meter rise in sea level, while the population exposed to rising water is 87% higher than previously estimated. (Christian Science Monitor)
    • A process to "unprint" toner ink from paper has been developed by engineers at the University of Cambridge, using short laser pulses to erase words and images. (The Royal Society) (BBC)
  • 15 March – American scientists use a particle accelerator to send a coherent neutrino message through 780 feet of rock. This marks the first use of neutrinos for communication, and future research may permit binary neutrino messages to be sent immense distances through even the densest materials, such as the Earth's core. (PopSci)
  • 16 March – Physicists found no discernible difference between the speed of a neutrino and the speed of light in latest test of the faster-than-light neutrino anomaly.[12][13][14]
  • 18 March
    • Researchers have identified why a mutation in a particular gene can lead to obesity. (BBC)
    • NEC has developed "organic radical battery" (ORB) technology with a thickness of just 0.3mm. (PhysOrg)
  • 19 March
    • Even if humankind manages to limit global warming to 2 degrees C (3.6 degrees F), as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recommends, future generations will have to deal with sea levels 12 to 22 meters (40 to 70 feet) higher than at present, according to research published in the journal Geology. (Rutgers press release)
    • Researchers at the RIKEN Advanced Science Institute (Japan) have developed a way to create full-color holograms with the aid of surface plasmons. (PhysOrg)
    • The amount of photovoltaic solar panels installed in the US more than doubled from 2010 to 2011, according to a report by the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and GTM Research. (PhysOrg)
    • Seagate claims it has paved the way for 3.5-inch hard drives with 60TB capacities, after breaking the 1TB/square inch density threshold. (PC Pro)

19 March 2012: researchers report that the number of solar panels in the United States more than doubled between 2010 and 2011.


5 April 2012: the Large Hadron Collider completes a landmark energy upgrade.
  • 2 April – The British Army announces the development of a conductive smart fabric for infantry uniforms. The fabric, which should enter widespread service by 2015, will eliminate the need for heavy, vulnerable power cables, making soldiers' electronics safer, cheaper and more durable. (BBC)
  • 4 April
    • A new, detailed record of past climate change has shown compelling evidence that the last ice age was ended by a rise in temperature driven by an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide. The key result from the new study is that it shows the carbon dioxide rise during this major transition ran slightly ahead of increases in global temperature. (BBC)
    • Austrian and Japanese researchers unveil solar cells that are thinner than a thread of spider silk, and flexible enough to be wrapped around a single human hair. (PhysOrg)
    • American researchers begin a new project, funded by the National Science Foundation, to develop printable robots that can be designed and made to order by the average person in less than 24 hours. The project, which is hoped to come to fruition by 2020, could allow any individual to cheaply build automated tools for any task in their own home. (BBC)
  • 5 April
  • 6 April – An international team of researchers reports that a new, drug-resistant strain of malaria has emerged on the Thai-Cambodian border, potentially threatening global efforts to contain the disease. (MNT)
  • 8 April – American scientists reveal that transparent graphene sheets can be used to encapsulate liquids for study by electron microscopes. The discovery will greatly ease the accurate imaging of liquids at micro- and nanoscales. (BBC)
  • 10 April – The Wellcome Trust, one of the world's largest private funders of scientific research, states that it is launching a new online journal to promote the free sharing of scientific papers. The new journal, titled eLife, is part of a widespread push for open access to scientific research, and will compel researchers to make their work freely available online. (The Guardian)
  • 12 April
    • A team of researchers from France's Laboratoire Univers et Théorie releases the first ever computer model simulation of the structure of the entire observable universe, from the Big Bang to the present day. The simulation has made it possible to follow the evolution of 550 billion individual particles. (CNRS)
    • A new report reveals that the United States invested more in renewable energy technology in 2011 than any other nation, totalling US$48 billion. China was the second-largest investor, spending US$45.5 billion on renewables. Worldwide, the combined investment in renewables reached an all-time high, at US$236 billion. (BBC)
    • German physicists develop the world's first universal quantum computing network, linking two laboratories using entangled rubidium atoms as network nodes. (Nature)
    • An international team of researchers has used new, massively parallel DNA sequencing technology to fast-track the discovery of a breast cancer risk gene, XRCC2. (Asian Scientist)
    • DARPA, the US military's advanced research agency, offers a US$2 million prize to any team who can independently develop a rescue robot capable of multiple tasks, including climbing ladders, clearing obstacles, using power tools and driving cars. (International Business Times)
    • After studying 40 years of medical records, Swedish scientists state that sufferers of Huntington's disease are around 50% less likely to develop cancer than those without the disease. Further study may reveal the genetic mechanism behind this resistance, allowing new cancer treatments to be developed. (Cancer Research UK)
    • The United Kingdom reports that it is considering the installation of undersea power cables to allow its National Grid to draw clean energy from Iceland's volcanoes. (Energy Live News)
    • Scientists report that complexity analysis studies of the Labeled Release experiments of the 1976 Viking mission to Mars may suggest the detection of "extant microbial life on Mars."

12 April 2012: German scientists create the world's first quantum computing network using entangled rubidium atoms (rubidium sample shown).

19 April 2012: international researchers develop synthetic DNA compounds.
  • 19 April
    • A landmark study by British and Canadian scientists reveals that breast cancer can be subdivided into ten distinct types, with its aggressiveness determined by certain genes. The new data may make breast cancer diagnoses much more precise, and allow cancer treatments to be more effectively tailored to each patient. (The Guardian)
    • British and American scientists successfully develop synthetic DNA compounds, dubbed "XNA", which demonstrate evolution when faced with selective pressure. (National Geographic)
    • British researchers identify key genes that "switch off" as the human body ages. These genes may be targeted by future anti-aging therapies. (Science Daily)
  • 20 April
    • Scientists say the notoriously dry continent of Africa is sitting on a vast reservoir of groundwater. (BBC)
    • A NASA-backed group of universities begins testing a GPS-derived earthquake warning system. The system, which uses satellite data to track seismic activity in real-time, may allow accurate earthquake and tsunami warnings to be issued up to ten times faster than is currently possible. (Nature)
    • After three years of development, IBM reveals a new, ultra-lightweight lithium-air battery, offering greater energy density than any current lithium-ion battery. The new battery may permit the production of electric vehicles with far greater range and battery life than current models. (ExtremeTech)
  • 21 April – Scientists at Chicago's Northwestern University successfully trial a brain-computer interface capable of restoring naturalistic muscle movements in paralyzed rhesus monkeys. It is hoped the invention will eventually be approved to treat paralytic or brain-damaged humans. (ExtremeTech)
  • 22 April – Intel Corporation releases its new Ivy Bridge microprocessors – the world's first commercial 22 nanometer microchips, featuring increased processing power and energy efficiency. (BBC)
  • 24 April – Planetary Resources, a startup company backed by Google billionaires Larry Page and Eric Schmidt and film director James Cameron, announces plans to develop technology to survey and mine asteroids for minerals by 2020. The company plans to launch the first element of its project, a network of orbital surveying telescopes, by 2014. (BBC)

27 April 2012: engine precooler tests begin for Reaction Engines' Skylon spaceplane design (artist's impression pictured).
  • 26 April
  • 27 April
    • Researchers identify 53 key neurons in the brains of homing pigeons which may explain how the birds navigate using Earth's geomagnetic field. (New Scientist)
    • The British company Reaction Engines begins testing the advanced engine precooler system intended for its reusable Skylon spaceplane. If the tests are successful, the hybrid-rocket Skylon – designed to vastly reduce the cost of orbital spaceflight – may begin flying cargo to Earth's orbit by 2020. (BBC)


6 May 2012: scientists develop a drug capable of preventing the breakdown of cerebral protein production, potentially offering a new treatment for Alzheimer's disease (cerebral plaques pictured).

20 May 2012: an annular solar eclipse occurs (eclipse photograph from Wolfforth, Texas, shown).

25 May 2012: SpaceX's Dragon becomes the first commercial spacecraft to dock with the International Space Station.

30 May 2012: the tomato genome is fully sequenced by international researchers.


  • 1 June
    • In a major milestone for neuroscience, researchers publicly release the first installment of data from their project to construct the first whole-brain wiring diagram of a vertebrate brain, that of a mouse. (KurzweilAI)
    • Scientists publish the results of a successful neurorehabilitation study, in which paralysed rats regained the ability to walk and even sprint after receiving targeted electrochemical therapy. The rats' damaged spinal cords were stimulated with chemicals and implanted electrodes, and a robotic assistive harness was used to "teach" the rats to walk again. (Science Daily) (BBC)
    • Australian researchers publish a new study revealing how the zebrafish heals its spinal cord after injury. According to the study, a specialised protein prevents paralysing glial scars forming when zebrafish suffer spinal cord damage. It is hoped that this protein may be exploited for the treatment of paralysed humans. (Sci-News)
  • 4 June – A partial lunar eclipse takes place. (MSNBC)
  • 5 June

5–6 June 2012: a transit of Venus, the last such event until 2117, occurs (transit image from Minneapolis shown).
  • 5–6 June – A transit of Venus, one of the rarest predictable astronomical phenomena, occurs. Another such transit will not occur until the year 2117.
  • 6 June
  • 7 June
    • According to NOAA scientists, the average temperature for the contiguous United States during May 2012 was 64.3°F, 3.3°F above the long-term average, making it the second-warmest May on record. The month's high temperatures also contributed to the warmest spring, warmest year-to-date, and warmest 12-month period the United States has experienced since recordkeeping began in 1895. (Science Daily)
    • Scientists at the University of Washington successfully sequence the genome of an 18-week-old human fetus in the womb by taking blood samples from the mother. In future, millions of children could be safely screened for genetic disorders in this way. (BBC)
    • The US Naval Research Laboratory has developed a form of underwater solar energy. (NRL)
    • A team of New Zealand scientists report that measuring the ratio of hydrogen and methane levels on the planet Mars may help determine the likelihood of life on Mars.[30][31] According to the scientists, "...low H2/CH4 ratios (less than approximately 40) indicate that life is likely present and active."[30] Related, but in a separate study, a team of Netherland scientists associated with MIT reported methods of detecting hydrogen and methane in extraterrestrial atmospheres.[32][33]
  • 8 June
    • American researchers report that they have successfully developed a key insulation technology required for the ITER nuclear fusion demonstration reactor. (PhysOrg)
    • American scientists build a tabletop-sized X-ray laser, vastly smaller and cheaper than most such devices. The invention could permit ultra-high-resolution imaging of microscopic structures such as living cells. (BBC)
    • British researchers begin trialling "smart" hand pumps equipped with transmitters that can immediately detect and report mechanical breakdowns. This will allow vital water pumps to be fixed much more quickly in rural Africa. (BBC)
    • Japanese researchers grow a tiny, functioning human liver from stem cells. (Yahoo)

13 June 2012: scientists publish the complete genome of the bonobo (female pictured).

16 June 2012: China launches its manned Shenzhou 9 spacecraft (Long March 2F launch vehicle shown).
  • 16 June
  • 18 June – Researchers design a robot that can outperform humans in identifying a wide range of natural materials according to their textures. The invention paves the way for advancements in prostheses, personal assistive robots and consumer product testing. (Science Daily)
  • 19 June – Men who are heavy tea drinkers may be more likely to develop prostate cancer, according to new research. (BBC)
  • 20 June
  • 21 June
  • 23 June – 100 years after the birth of English cryptanalyst and computer pioneer Alan Turing, British experts cast doubt on the long-held notion that Turing's death was a suicide. (BBC)
  • 24 June
    • China successfully completes its first manual orbital rendezvous, as the manned Shenzhou 9 spacecraft docks with the Tiangong-1 module without the assistance of automated docking systems. (BBC)
    • Rates of sea level rise are increasing three-to-four times faster along portions of the U.S. Atlantic Coast than globally, according to a new U.S. Geological Survey report published in Nature Climate Change.(USGS)
  • 26 June – The discovery of a new mineral, panguite, is announced, with samples found in the Allende meteorite.
  • 27 June
  • 28 June – An international team of astronomers discovers evidence that our Milky Way had an encounter with a small galaxy or massive dark matter structure perhaps as recently as 100 million years ago, and as a result of that encounter it is still ringing like a bell. (Queens University)

29 June 2012: scientists develop an fMRI brain scanner which allows paralyzed people to communicate using thought alone (fMRI images shown).
  • 29 June
    • American researchers demonstrate "paint-on" batteries, composed of active layers just 0.5 mm thick, capable of being spray-painted onto almost any surface. The technology could allow for the creation of lighter, more flexible electronic devices with a wide range of form factors. (BBC)
    • Dutch and German scientists unveil a new brain-scanning functional magnetic resonance imaging device that allows paralyzed people to type out words using only their thoughts. (BBC) (LiveScience)
    • Scientists discover the remains of an enormous, 3-billion-year-old impact near the Maniitsoq region of West Greenland, a billion years older than any other known collision on Earth. (Daily Galaxy)


  • 1 July – The London Symphony Orchestra performs a musical composition created without human input by the Iamus computer. (The Guardian)
  • 2 July
    • American researchers use a 3D printer to build a sugar framework for growing an artificial liver. The sugar structure simulates a human vascular system, allowing artificial blood vessels to be grown to support the liver. (BBC) (Times of India)
    • Scientists use ultrasound to display 3D video on a modified liquid soap membrane, creating the world's thinnest transparent video display. (BBC)
    • Graphene sheets with precisely controlled pores can purify water more efficiently than existing methods, according to scientists at MIT. (MIT)
    • Scientists report that indirect evidence supporting the existence of the Higgs boson has been found.[41] (Reuters) (The Guardian)
  • 3 July
  • 4 July
    • CERN physicists announce the discovery of a particle consistent with the standard model's Higgs boson at a "5 sigma" level of significance, indicating that there is only one chance in 3.5 million that they are mistaken.[42][43][44] (BBC)
    • American scientists develop an electrically-conductive gel that can easily be printed onto surfaces with a standard inkjet printer, allowing the rapid and simple production of a wide range of electronics. (Science Daily)
    • Researchers have identified seven genetic markers linked with a woman's breast size, according to a new study. (Yahoo)

4 July 2012: CERN scientists report the discovery of a particle with significant similarities to the Higgs boson (Higgs collision signature shown).

15 July 2012: The parasitic disease Dracunculiasis (extraction of a causative guinea worm pictured) is reportedly close to being eradicated.
  • 23 July
    • American scientists create an artificial jellyfish out of silicone and lab-grown heart cells. The construct is capable of swimming in a similar manner to real jellyfish when stimulated with an electric current. (BBC)
    • Researchers report that 14% of British stomach cancer cases could be prevented by reducing public salt intakes. (The Guardian)
  • 25 July
  • 26 July
    • The rapid decline in Arctic sea ice is at least 70% due to man-made global warming, according to a new study, and may even be up to 95% caused by humans – a far higher proportion than scientists had previously thought. (The Guardian)
    • Using complex algorithms, researchers have found that pop songs over the last 50 years have become increasingly loud and more bland in terms of the chords, melodies and types of sound used. (Reuters)
    • Using a bone marrow transplant, two men have been "cured" of HIV infection. (NBC News)
    • Ageing termite workers are discovered to use a toxic crystalline structure to "self-destruct", spraying enemy insects with toxins in defence of their termite mounds. (BBC)
    • An American gunsmith produces the world's first functional 3D-printed plastic firearm. (ExtremeTech)
  • 27 July
  • 29 July – Major technology companies predict that as many as 50 billion electronic devices may be wirelessly connected worldwide by 2020, as automated machine-to-machine communication sees increasing use in retail and manufacturing. (New York Times)
  • 31 July – People with even minor symptoms of mental illness have a lower life expectancy, according to a large-scale population-based study published in the British Medical Journal. (Science Daily)


  • 1 August – Researchers claim to have resolved one of the biggest controversies in cancer research – discovering the specific cancer cells that seem to be responsible for the regrowth of tumours. (Nature)

6 August 2012: NASA's Curiosity rover, the largest such spacecraft yet launched, successfully lands on Mars (artist's impression pictured).
  • 2 August
  • 3 August
    • Deforestation in the Amazon rainforest has fallen again in the past 12 months, according to preliminary data published by Brazil's National Institute for Space Research. (Guardian)
    • American and Canadian researchers develop a medical spray which uses human skin cells and coagulant proteins to speed up the healing of open wounds such as leg ulcers. In medical trials, the "skin spray" proved over 20% more effective than other ulcer treatments. (BBC)
  • 6 August
  • 8 August
    • Anthropologists in northern Kenya unearth fossils of a previously unconfirmed species of human that lived approximately 2 million years ago. (BBC)
    • Almost one-quarter of the world’s population lives in regions where groundwater is being used up faster than it can be replenished, concludes a comprehensive global analysis of groundwater depletion published in Nature. (Nature)
  • 9 August – American and South Korean engineers build a flexible, worm-like robot that moves by mimicking the contraction of an earthworm. The robot's artificial muscle is based on a nickel-titanium wire that expands and contracts in response to electric currents. It can squeeze through tight spaces and absorb heavy impacts, and could be used in future for covert reconnaissance missions. (BBC)
  • 10 August – Engineers successfully test a new algorithm that allows autonomous UAVs to fly through complex structures without requiring GPS navigation. (Science Daily)
  • 11 August
    • The Perseid meteor shower reaches its peak for 2012, becoming widely visible in the northern hemisphere. (The Guardian)
    • Experts declare the 2012 London Olympics to be the "greenest Olympics ever", praising its use of recycled materials and temporary venues, and noting the improvements made to London's transport infrastructure. (BBC)
    • Sea ice in the Arctic is disappearing at a far greater rate than previously expected, according to data from the first purpose-built satellite launched to study the thickness of the Earth's polar caps. (The Guardian)
  • 12 August – Scientists discover a single genetic switch that triggers the loss of brain connections in humans, and also causes depression in animal models. The findings could lead to more effective antidepressant therapies. (Science Daily)

14 August 2012: Boeing's X-51 hypersonic scramjet prototype (pictured in launch configuration) is destroyed following a test flight malfunction.
  • 13 August
    • South Korean researchers develop a cheap electronic ink based on tiny rectennas, capable of transmitting data over short distances. The printable invention could potentially revolutionise the field of augmented reality. (BBC)
    • A new class of polymers has been discovered that are resistant to bacterial attachment. These new materials could lead to a significant reduction in hospital infections and medical device failures. (Science Daily)
    • US wind energy reaches 50 gigawatts of capacity. (The Guardian)
  • 14 August
  • 15 August – In a major breakthrough, an international team of scientists has proven that addiction to morphine and heroin can be blocked, while at the same time increasing pain relief. (University of Adelaide)
  • 16 August
    • Researchers have finally found a compound that may offer the first effective and hormone-free birth control pill for men. (Science Daily)
    • British scientists develop the world's first room-temperature maser, using a crystal of p-Terphenyl to modify a commercial medical laser to produce coherent microwave emissions without the need for expensive magnets and coolant. The maser could be used to develop more sensitive medical scanners and radio telescopes. (BBC)
    • Harvard University scientists develop a flexible, octopus-inspired robot capable of rapidly camouflaging or advertising itself by pumping liquid dyes into channels on its surface. The relatively inexpensive robots could be used in a variety of fields, from surgery to search-and-rescue to covert operations. (BBC)
  • 17 August
    • A group of South Korean scientists has reportedly developed a carbon battery for electric vehicles capable of charging up to 120 times faster than standard batteries. (Inhabitat)
    • Researchers have demonstrated a way to potentially "hack into" a person's brain, using BCI technology. (ExtremeTech) (Usenix)
    • Researchers at Harvard’s Wyss Institute successfully store 5.5 petabits of data – around 700 terabytes – in a single gram of DNA, breaking the previous DNA data density record by a thousand times. (ExtremeTech)
  • 18 August – Scientists in the United States report that they have found a new family of spiders in the caves of California and Oregon. It is the first such discovery in North America for more than 140 years. (BBC)
  • 19 August – Scientists are reportedly close to developing a baldness cure. (The Telegraph)
  • 20 August – The first evidence of a planet's destruction by its aging star has been discovered by an international team of astronomers. (Penn State Science)

21 August 2012: a study of major coastal cities asserts that Shanghai (skyline pictured) may be highly vulnerable to large-scale flooding in the near future.
  • 21 August
    • MIT researchers report that a genetically-modified organism could turn carbon dioxide or waste products into a gasoline-compatible transportation fuel. (MIT)
    • A new study of nine coastal cities around the world suggests that Shanghai is most vulnerable to serious flooding later this century. (Science Daily)
    • Life in the world's oceans is facing a potential mass extinction, largely due to human activity, say researchers. (Huffington Post)
    • Researchers have developed an "electronic nose" prototype that can detect small quantities of harmful airborne substances. (Science Daily)
    • Scientists have identified the crucial role of a protein called Mof in the epigenetics of stem cells. The protein helps prime stem cells to become specialized cells in mice. (Science Daily)
  • 22 August
    • LG Electronics unveils the world's largest commercial ultra-definition TV, boasting four times the resolution of 1080p high-definition screens. (BBC)
    • NASA names the Curiosity rover's Martian landing site "Bradbury Landing", in honour of the American science fiction author Ray Bradbury, who died in June 2012 aged 91.[46] Meanwhile, Curiosity conducts a successful short-range test drive, proving that its mobility system is in nominal condition. (The Guardian)
    • A large-scale test of smart vehicle data sharing begins in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Over the course of the year-long trial, around 2,800 vehicles will be fitted with vehicle-to-vehicle wireless communications, allowing them to share data about their movements and alert their drivers if they are at risk of collision. Such technology could be used in future to drastically reduce traffic accidents. (BBC)
  • 23 August – New research links the origins of Indo-European languages with the spread of farming from Anatolia approximately 8,000-9,500 years ago. (Science Daily)
  • 25 August – Researchers discover a promising new drug target for the treatment and prevention of heart failure. (Science Daily)
  • 26 August
  • 27 August – Young people who smoke cannabis run the risk of a significant and irreversible reduction in their IQ, according to one of the largest cannabis studies ever carried out. (BBC)
  • 29 August
  • 30 August – South African scientists have claimed that a breakthrough drug cures all strains of malaria. Clinical trials on humans are set to start in 2013. (PopSci)
  • 31 August


  • 1 September – When they encounter a fallen bird, western scrub jays call out and gather around the body in a funeral-like display, scientists discover. (BBC)

Predicted and scheduled events





Sources: The Guardian and The Telegraph

10 March 2012: Frank Sherwood Rowland, a Nobel Prize-winning American chemist, dies aged 84.







23 July 2012: Sally Ride, the first American woman in space, dies aged 61.



25 August 2012: Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the Moon, dies aged 82.