Game Research and Technology
This page covers topics from abstract research on games to applied technology for commercial video game production. It aims to appeal to academic researchers and game developers, as well as those who fall somewhere in between.Video game design and production is a fast paced, hit-driven, technology-based field. Hardware used in game consoles and personal computers continues to improve, getting faster and cheaper at a dizzying pace. Video game developers start each new project with increased computational resources, and a long list of cool features they would like to incorporate. Since they normally work on very tight production schedules, they have little or no time to experiment with untested technology. Results from recent research help to bridge that gap.
Researchers, working largely in academia and occasionally in industry, are motivated by exploring new technology. To be published, research must be novel: either a completely new idea or a significant improvement on an old idea. Commercial game development can provide a rich stream of " would be nice if..." ideas which can inspire new research projects. This focus on novelty in the research world contrasts with the commercial world. There, while novelty is good, what really matters is an enjoyable, engaging experience. A sequel can be a hit while a strikingly original game may not.
These two communities have conflicting goals and very different cultures. Yet a mutually beneficial symbiotic relation can exist between them. With luck this page may lead to cross-fertilization and perhaps some beneficial collaborations.
Maintenance of this page is generously sponsored by the R&D group of Sony Computer Entertainment America.
What isn't here
Some aspects of game technology research are well covered
and will not be duplicated here. For example, all research on
computer graphics is ultimately relevant to video games. Computer
graphics is a huge field with its own excellent online
resources, such as SIGGRAPH
and its literature.
There are excellent online resources
devoted to specific aspects of computer graphics, such as Real Time Rendering and animation.
is covered elsewhere (1,
3) and mentioned here
only in
terms of technology. Other than
those broad exceptions, almost anything
available on the web about research or technology related to video
games is fair game.
Feel free to suggest
additions or corrections for this page.General resources for game research and technology
- Sandbox: an ACM Video
Game Symposium (2007,
2006) co-located
- Journal of Game Development (CRM)
- Game Programming Gems book series (CRM)
- Game Developers Conference (CMP)
- Game Developer Magazine (CMP)
- Gamasutra (CMP)
- IGDA International Game
Developers Association
- Game Research covering "the art, business, and science of computer games"
- Game Professor: videogame
research, academic papers, and resources
- Calendar of
game industry events
Game AI resources:
- Web sites on
game AI:
- Game developer:
- by Steve Rabin ("Our Goal: Catalogue Every Game AI Article and Every Graphics Article")
- Game/AI blog by
Damian Isla
- Game AI Page by Steve Woodcock
- by Michael Zarozinski
- AI Depot by Alex Champandard
- Game AI links by Robert Zubek
- An AI Architecture for Games and Robotics by Nick Porcino
- Artificial Intelligence resources at
- Artificial
Intelligence resources at GDSE
- Academic:
- Artificial Intelligence and Computer Games Research at UMich by John Laird et al.
- Artificial Intelligence section of Amit Patel's Game Programming Information.
- AI Center by Alexander Nareyek
- Dialogue in Computer Games by Penny Drennan
- Game AI Paper Summaries, Strategy AI and by Penny Sweetser
- Game developer:
- Conferences and workshops:
- IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Games (2007)
- Artificial Intelligence and
Interactive Digital Entertainment Conference (AIIDE 2005 2006, 2007)
- V-Crowds '05 The First International Workshop on Crowd Simulation
- AAAI-04 Workshop on Challenges in Game AI (2004)
- Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Entertainment (AAAI AIIE 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999)
- Collaborative
Human/AI Control for Interactive Experiences (CHACIE 2010)
- Books: (see also
- Artificial Intelligence for Computer Games: An Introduction (2004) by John D. Funge. The companion web site includes bibliography, errata, chapter guide, and relevant links.
- Programming
Game AI by Example (2004) by Mat Buckland
- AI
Game Engine Programming
(2004) by Brian Schwab
- AI for Game Developers (2004) by David M. Bourg and Glenn Seeman
- AI Game Development: Synthetic Creatures with Learning and Reactive Behaviors (2003) by Alex Champandard. See also the companion web site
- AI Game Programming Wisdom 2 (2003) edited by Steve Rabin.
- AI Game Programming Wisdom (2002) edited by Steve Rabin.
- AI for Animation and Games: A Cognitive Modeling Approach (1999) by John D. Funge.
- Papers:
- Surveys and overviews:
- Alex Nareyek (2004) Artificial Intelligence in Computer Games - State of the Art and Future Directions ACM Queue 1(10), 58-65 (PDF of print version)
- Behavior
Modeling in Commercial Games (2004) by David E. Diller, William
Ferguson, Alice M. Leung, Brett Benyo, Dennis Foley [DOC]
- Pathfinding:
- Memory-Efficient Abstractions for Pathfinding (2007) Nathan R. Sturtevant
- Near Optimal Hierarchical Path-Finding (2004) Adi Botea, Martin Müller and Jonathan Schaeffer
- Efficient Navigation Mesh Implementation (2004) John C. O’Neill
- Realistic Human Path Planning using Fluid Simulation [PDF]
(2004) by René G. Burgess and Christian J. Darken
- Ribbon Networks for Modeling Navigable Paths of Autonomous Agents in Virtual Urban Environments [PDF] (2003) Peter Willemsen, Joseph K. Kearney and
- Interactive Navigation in Complex Environments Using Path Planning (2003) Brian Salomon, Maxim Garber, Ming C. Lin, and Dinesh Manocha
- Polygon
Soup for the Programmer's Soul: 3D Pathfinding (2001) by Patrick
Smith. GDC 2001 presentation slides in [PPT].
- Memory-Efficient Abstractions for Pathfinding (2007) Nathan R. Sturtevant
- Formations:
- Formation-Based Pathfinding With Real-World Vehicles (2000) by Jim Van Verth, Victor Brueggemann, Jon Owen and Peter McMurry. Extends steering behaviors to include multi-vehicle formations and explores more specific vehicle locomotion models.
- Coordinated Unit Movement, and Implementing Coordinated Movement (1999) by Dave Pottinger
- Closely related robotics papers:
- Formations
with a Mission: Stable Coordination of Vehicle Group Maneuvers
(2002) by Petter Ogren,
Edward Fiorelli and Naomi
Ehrich Leonard
- Negotiated Formations (2003) by David J. Naffin and Gaurav S. Sukhatme
- Robot Formations Using Only Local Sensing and Control (2001) by Jakob Fredslund and Maja J Mataric
- Social Potentials for Scalable Multi-Robot Formations (2000) by Tucker Balch and Maria Hybinette
- Behavior-based
Formation Control for Multi-robot Teams (1999) by Tucker
Balch and Ronald
C. Arkin
- Formations
with a Mission: Stable Coordination of Vehicle Group Maneuvers
(2002) by Petter Ogren,
Edward Fiorelli and Naomi
Ehrich Leonard
- Steering behaviors:
- Autonomous
Behaviors for Interactive Vehicle Animations (2004) by Jared Go,
Thuc Vu and James
Kuffner. [PDF]
- Fast,
Neat and Under Control: Inverse Steering Behaviors for Physical
Autonomous Agents (2003) Heni Ben Amor, Oliver Obst, Jan Murray. [PDF]
- Steering Behaviors For Autonomous Characters (1999) by Craig Reynolds. [PDF] [CiteSeer]
- Autonomous
Behaviors for Interactive Vehicle Animations (2004) by Jared Go,
Thuc Vu and James
Kuffner. [PDF]
- Crowds:
- Continuum
Crowds (2006) by Adrien Treuille,
Cooper and Zoran
Popović [PDF]
- Big Fast
Crowds on PS3 (2006) by Craig Reynolds (PSCrowd) [PDF]
- FastCrowd:
Real-Time Simulation and Interaction with Large Crowds based on
Graphics Hardware (2004) by Nicolas
Courty and Soraia
Raupp Musse [PDF]
- Interaction
with Groups of Autonomous Characters (2000) by Craig Reynolds. [PDF]
- Continuum
Crowds (2006) by Adrien Treuille,
Cooper and Zoran
Popović [PDF]
- Camera AI:
- A Lightweight Intelligent Virtual Cinematography System
for Machinima Production (2007) David K. Elson and Mark O. Riedl. [PDF]
- A Cinematography System for Virtual Storytelling (2003) Nicolas Courty, Fabrice Lamarche, Stéphane Donikian, and Éric Marchand. [PDF]
- Real-Time Camera Control For Interactive Storytelling
(2002) Fred Charles, Jean-Luc Lugrin, Marc Cavazza and Steven J. Mead. [PDF]
- A
Camera Engine for Computer Games: Managing the Trade-Off Between
Constraint Satisfaction and Frame Coherence (2001) by Nicolas Halper, Ralf Helbing
and Thomas
Strothotte. [PDF]
- The
Virtual Cinematographer: A Paradigm for Automatic Real-Time Camera
Control and Directing (1996) by Michael F. Cohen, Li-wei He and David Salesin. [PDF]
- A Lightweight Intelligent Virtual Cinematography System
for Machinima Production (2007) David K. Elson and Mark O. Riedl. [PDF]
- Visibility and perception:
- Visibility and Concealment Algorithms for 3D Simulations [PDF] (2004) by Christian J. Darken
- AI on the GPU [PDF] (2004) by Christian J. Darken, E. Ray Pursel, J. Steve Correia. On determining how entities on a virtual battlefield see each other.
- State Estimation for Game AI using Particle Filters (2004) by Curt Bererton. [PDF] [AVI video]
- Object Persistence for Synthetic Characters (2002) by
Damian A. Isla and Bruce
M. Blumberg. [PDF]
- Social and conversational
- Character Participation in Social Interaction [PDF] (2004) by Robert Zubek
- Generic Personality and Emotion Simulation for Conversational Agents [PDF] (2004) by Arjan Egges, Sumedha Kshirsagar, Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann
- FLAME - A Fuzzy Logic Adaptive Model of Emotions (2000) by Magy Seif El-Nasr, John Yen, and Thomas Ioerger. [PS]
- Story AI:
- Interactive Storytelling: A Player Modelling Approach
(2007) David Thue, Vadim Bulitko, Marcia Spetch and Eric
Wasylishen. [PDF]
(regarding: PaSSAGE:
Player-Specific Stories via Automatically Generated Events)
- Dynamic Generation of Dilemma-based Interactive
Narratives (2007) Heather
Barber and Daniel
Kudenko. [PDF]
- AI Characters and Directors for Interactive Computer
Games (2004) Brian Magerko, John E. Laird, Mazin Assanie, Alex
Kerfoot and Devvan Stokes.
- An intent-driven planner for multi-agent story generation (2004) by Mark Owen Riedl and R. Michael Young. [PDF]
- Interactive Narrative Architecture Based on Filmmaking Theory (2004) by Magy Seif El-Nasr. [PDF]
- A Search-Based Drama Manager (2004) by Ari Lamstein
and Michael Mateas [PDF]
- Façade: An
Experiment in Building a Fully-Realized Interactive Drama (2003) Michael Mateas
and Andrew Stern [PDF]
- The
Stage as a Character: Automatic Creation of Acts of God for Dramatic
(1995) by Bradley Rhodes
and Pattie Maes
- Interactive Storytelling: A Player Modelling Approach
(2007) David Thue, Vadim Bulitko, Marcia Spetch and Eric
Wasylishen. [PDF]
(regarding: PaSSAGE:
Player-Specific Stories via Automatically Generated Events)
- Action selection and
agent architecture:
- Improv: A System for Scripting Interactive Actors in
Virtual Worlds (1996) by Ken
Perlin and Athomas
Goldberg [PDF]
- Multi-Level
Direction of Autonomous Creatures for Real-Time Virtual Environments
(1995) by Bruce Blumberg
and Tinsley Galyean.
- Improv: A System for Scripting Interactive Actors in
Virtual Worlds (1996) by Ken
Perlin and Athomas
Goldberg [PDF]
- Strategy and tactics:
- SORTS: A Human-Level Approach to Real-Time Strategy AI (2007) Sam Wintermute, Joseph Xu, and John E. Laird [PDF]
- Rules versus Scripts in Games Artificial Intelligence
(2004) by Nathan
Combs and Jean-Louis Ardoint. [PDF]
- It Knows What You're Going to Do: Adding Anticipation to a Quakebot (2001) by John E. Laird. [PDF]
- Learning and evolution:
- Evolving Opponents for Interesting Interactive Computer
Games (2004) by Georgios
N. Yannakakis and John Hallam.
- Fast and Learnable Behavioral and Cognitive Modeling for
Virtual Character Animation (2004) Jonathan Dinerstein,
Parris K.
Egbert, Hugo de Garis
and Nelson
Dinerstein. [PDF]
- Integrated
Learning for Interactive Synthetic Characters (2002) Bruce Blumberg, Marc Downie, Yuri Ivanov, Matt Berlin, Michael
Patrick Johnson, Bill
Tomlinson. [PDF]
- Evolving Opponents for Interesting Interactive Computer
Games (2004) by Georgios
N. Yannakakis and John Hallam.
- Other:
- SquadSmart: Hierarchical Planning and Coordinated Plan
Execution for Squads of Characters (2007) Peter Gorniak and Ian
Davis [PDF]
- Automatic Rule Ordering for Dynamic Scripting (2007)
Timor Timuri, Pieter
Spronck and Jaap van
den Herik [PDF]
- Automating
Lighting Design for Interactive Entertainment (2004) Magy Seif El-Nasr and Ian Horswill. [PDF]
- Realistic Autonomous Navigation in Dynamic Environments (2003) by Alex Champandard (Masters thesis, University of Edinburgh)
- RTS Games as Test-Bed for Real-Time Research [PDF] (2003) Michael Buro and Timothy Furtak.
- Artificial Stupidity: The Art of Intentional Mistakes (2003) Lars Liden. [PDF]
- A Visual Environment for Rapid Behavior Definition (2003) Dan Fu, Ryan Houlette, and Randy Jensen. [PDF]
- Putting AI in Entertainment: An AI Authoring Tool for
Simulation and Games (2002) by Daniel Fu and Ryan Houlette [PDF]
- Strategic and Tactical Reasoning with Waypoints (2002) Lars Liden. [PDF]
- Gamebots: A 3D Virtual World Test-Bed For Multi-Agent
Research (2001) Rogelio Adobbati,
Andrew N. Marshall, Andrew Scholer, Sheila Tejada, Gal Kaminka, Steven
Schaffer, Chris Sollitto. [PDF] [CiteSeer]
- SquadSmart: Hierarchical Planning and Coordinated Plan
Execution for Squads of Characters (2007) Peter Gorniak and Ian
Davis [PDF]
- Surveys and overviews:
- Game AI articles:
- Artificial Intelligence articles from Gamasutra (requires free registration)
- Using Genetic Algorithms for Game AI by Greg James at GIGnews
- AI in Video Games vs. AI in Academia (Slashdot discussion)
- Wild Things game AI article from Wired.
- AI helps gamers keep on playing (BBC 2002) by Mark Ward on AI in Majorem
- Computer games start thinking (BBC 2002) by Mark Ward
- The future of artificial intelligence: The Borg? (2002, ZDNet) group mind AI for "Dmitry"
- AI in action games: complete interviews (2002, PC Gamer)
- NOLF 2: the complete developer interview (2002, PC Gamer)
- AI Middleware: Getting into Character by Eric Dybsand (Gamasutra, July 2003) parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- The Full Spectrum Warrior Camera System by John Giors (GDC 2004, Gamasutra (requires free registration))
- Under the hood of The Sims (2002 IE only?) lecture notes by Ken Forbus
- What does AI offer video games? (2004, self-published) by Craig Furness
- Bringing emotions to video games Can games inspire feelings as well as fun? by Tom Loftus (2004, MSNBC) [PDF]
- Adapting the Tools of Drama to Interactive Storytelling (2001, Gamasutra (requires free registration)) by Randy Littlejohn
- Agitating for Dramatic Change (2003, Gamasutra (requires free registration)) by Randy Littlejohn
- Software:
- Commercial:
- AI.implant from Engenuity Technologies
- Artificial Contender from TruSoft
- DirectIA
- emotion ai
- Kynapse from Kynogon
- LiveCombat
from AiLive
- Louder Than A Bomb! Software
- Massive (crowd system used in Lord of the Rings, see also)
- Pariveda
- Realtime Drama
- RenderWare A.I. ("powered by Kynogon")
- SimBionic from Stottler Henke Associates.
- Softimage Behavior
- SpirOps
- Virtools AI Pack (formerly NeMo?)
- Open source:
- Commercial:
- Other:
- IGDA's committee on Artificial Intelligence (AI) Interface Standards [related game AI newsletter]
- International Journal of Intelligent Games & Simulation
- Computers > Artificial Intelligence > Games (Google/DMOZ directory)
- newsgroup (via web or nntp)
- Related topics:
- Games
with programmable AI: games providing API/SDK allowing them to be
used as
testbeds for AI research. (From CS 672:
Learning and Sequential Decision Making by Michael L. Littman.)
Some others:
- ORTS - A Free Software RTS Game Framework
- Freeciv:
"Cause civilization should be free!"
- Games > Video Games > Simulation > Programming Games (Google/DMOZ directory)
- Gamebots Unreal Tournament as a domain for research in artificial intelligence
- Emotionally Challenged blog by Ian Wilson on articial emotion.
- Terra Nova a
blog about virtual worlds: "computer-generated, persistent, immersive,
and representational social platforms...MMORPGs..."
- Interactive Storytelling: Techniques for 21st Century Fiction (2004) book by Andrew Glassner
- GPGPU General-Purpose
Computation Using Graphics Hardware
- AI
on the Web a massive directory of general (not specifically game
related) AI
links, online companion to the book Artificial
Intelligence: A Modern Approach
- Games
with programmable AI: games providing API/SDK allowing them to be
used as
testbeds for AI research. (From CS 672:
Learning and Sequential Decision Making by Michael L. Littman.)
Some others:
Game Physics resources:
- Books:
- Game Physics (2003) by David H. Eberly see table of contents and source code
- Physics
Game Developers (2001) by David M. Bourg (overview
and reviews)
- Papers:
- Practical Physics for Articulated Characters [PDF] (2004) by Vangelis Kokkevis
- Using Verlet Integration and Constraints in a Six Degree of Freedom Rigid Body Physics Simulation [PDF] (2004) by Rick Baltman
- Advanced Character Physics (2001) by Thomas Jakobsen
- Software:
- Open source:
- Open Dynamics Engine (ODE) and odejava
- Tokamak Game Physics SDK
- Newton Game Dynamics
- Bullet
Continuous Collision Detection and Physics Library
Optimized Collision Detection
- Commercial:
- Ageia's PhysX
- Havok Game Dynamics SDK
- RenderWare
- Meqon Game Dynamics SDK
- 3Impact dynamics-capable game engine
- CMLabs (realtime, but oriented toward engineering and academic use)
- NovodeX
Rocket (free for non-commercial use)
- Ageia's PhysX
- Open source:
- Other:
- Rigid Body Dynamics by Chris Hecker
- Interactive Physics Simulation Resources by Thomas Jakobsen
- Physics Resource Guide (Gamasutra, requires free registration)
- Research on game physics (Pseudo Interactive)
- Smash
Hits (2001, Wired) by Mark Frauenfelder
Academic resources: game design, production and criticism:
- University labs, centers and
- Expressive Intelligence Studio
at UC Santa Cruz
- Entertainment Technology Center CMU
- University of Alberta Games Group
- Game Research Lab (University of Tampere)
- Center for Computer Games Research IT University of Copenhagen
- Interactive Entertainment Group Northwestern University
- Game Culture & Technology Lab UCI
- Institute for Creative Technologies USC
- EA Game Innovation Lab (stand-in
link) USC
- Video Game Research Site Purdue
- The Rapunsel Project
(NYU, Hunter College, University of Illinois)
- How
They Got Game: History and Culture of Interactive Simulations and
Video Games, at Stanford
Humanities Lab
- Serious Games: Improving Public Policy through Game-Based Learning and Simulation and the Serious Games Summit. (See also this 2004 CIE article article by Ben Sawyer and this (older?) site.)
- Game Technology Research at Brown
- Computer Games Group University of Maastricht
- Liquid Narrative Group North Carolina State University
and Façade
- Water Cooler Games
"video games with an agenda...beyond entertainment"
- Experimental Game Lab Georgia Tech
- Research in Interactive Narratives University of Teesside
- Game Development Society
("Stop playing alone, play together!") Leeds
- Expressive Intelligence Studio
at UC Santa Cruz
- University courses:
- CS 4455 - Video Game Design and Programming Georgia Tech
- Computer Game Design and Implementation University of Michigan
- Algorithms for Computer Games notes for course at the University of Turku.
- History of Computer Game Design: Technology, Culture, Business Stanford
- AI for Game Programming Course Information (Jessica Bayliss) RIT
- CS 294 Computer Games Home Page (David Forsyth) UC Berkeley
- Game Development Certificate Program, University of Washington Extension
- CS 395 Interactive Graphics Techniques for Computer Gaming (Ben Watson) Northwestern
- Academically oriented online forums
- Game Studies -- aesthetic, cultural and communicative aspects of computer games
- - Videogame Theory (see also Associated Press Says "Ludology")
- Narratology - projects, debates and resources in narrative theory
- Grand Text Auto -
group blog
about interactive narrative, games, poetry, and art.
- The Education Arcade
- The Future of Videogames in Education
- Conferences and workshops
- Computer Game Technology
Conference (2004)
- Gaming2Learn workshop (2003 Media X, Stanford)
- Game On: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 and GameOn'NA 2005. See also this article on The Game On conference and the current state of research into learning.
- International Conference on Virtual Storytelling: 2003, 2001
- Narrative
Intelligence AAAI 1999 Fall Symposium
- RE:PLAY (1999)
world Conference: Game design + Game Culture"
- Computer Game Technology
Conference (2004)
- Papers:
- GameFlow: A Model for Evaluating Player Enjoyment in Games (2005) Penelope Sweetser and Peta Wyeth [PDF]
- Scripting Versus Emergence: Issues for Game Developers and
Players in Game
Environment Design (2005) Penelope Sweetser and Janet Wiles [PDF]
- Learning by Design: Games as Learning Machines (2004) by James
Paul Gee. [PDF]
- MDA: A Formal Approach to Game Design and Game Research
(2002) Robin
Hunicke, Marc LeBlanc, Robert Zubek. [PDF]
- Other:
- Games > Game Studies > Education (Google/DMOZ directory)
- Video
game studies from Wikipedia
- IGDA's Academic site, including academic events, articles, curriculum,
and forums.
- Gamers Learning by Degree (2002, Wired)
- 10 Game Industry Sites We Like (GIGnews)
- Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA) Online Community
- Shedding the stigma: Yes, that's a Ph.D in game theory hanging on the wall (2004, AP)
- U.S.
colleges offering video game studies (2004, Reuters, via
- gaming research | games as education | games as art by Mary Flanagan including The Rapunsel Project and The Adventures of Josie True
- Whither Game Research (2004 blog post) by Michael Mateas
- Towards Relevant Research: Collaboration 101 (GDC 2004 panel) by Robin Hunicke, with Raph Koster, Mark DeLoura, Michael van Lent and Will Wright. Session summary and session prep notes.
- Computer Games in an Academic Environment by Asher Lipson
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